31 August 2021

Biochar Research

"A solution to soil degradation", this is the hopeful tagline for this research vision. On its Phase 1, this project focuses on screening several biomass waste from agricultural plantations and agri-industries for their promising characteristics for various uses. The project is funded by the Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR) under the National Organic Agriculture Program (NOAP).  

The project already screened 10 very abundant biomass waste found in the Caraga Region. With this venture, the team also optimized the conditions from which this biomass can be effectively converted to biochar.

However, they are still testing it further to really ensure that the product is stable.

Among the 10 biochar developed, every one of it has specific and promising property waiting to be explored further. And for the future of the project, it is now looking into doing laboratory and field testing to validate this promising properties towards soil health and fertility.

Researchers (Phase 1): Reuben James Rollon & Leo Jude Villasica


Falcata saw dust

Oil palm empty bunch

Cacao pods

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